Partner App 10.10 APK
App Info
- App NamePartner App
- Category Productivity
- Version10.10
- Requirement 5.0 or higher
- File Size9.82 MB
- Updated2024-11-05
- App Codecom.medtransgopartnerapp
App Description
Internet | Allows to access internet network. |
Vibrate | Allows access to the vibrator. |
Receive boot completed | Allows to receive the boot completed notification that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. |
Access fine location | Allows to access precise location from location sources such as GPS, cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
Access coarse location | Allows to access approximate location derived from network location sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
Camera | Allows to use the camera device. |
Read external storage | Allows to read from external storage such as SD card. |
Write external storage | Allows to write to external storage such as SD card. |
android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION | App customer permission. |
Access network state | Allows to access information about networks. |
Wake lock | Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. |
android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT | App customer permission. |
com.android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE | App customer permission. |
Access wifi state | Allows to access information about Wi-Fi networks. |
android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE | App customer permission. |
android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE | App customer permission. |
com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE | App customer permission. |
- 2024-11-05: Partner App 10.10
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